
Formation : Entreprenariat agricole

Wellant College

Collège de la région d'Utrecht aux Pays Bas. Il développe des formations dans les domaines du paysage et de l'horticulture, de l'art floral de la vente de détail et du management.
Offre également de sessions courtes pour les professionnels de ces secteurs, y compris pour les pisciculteurs.

Wellantcollege is biggest agricultural VET institute in the Netherlands and is is member of Europea, the Association of  Agricultural Education in Europe. 1.400 staff, 13.000 students, 23 locations. Several hundreds of work placements abroad each year.

This organisation will have a special role and responsibility for the following work packages in the Your ECVET project: Testing. Further this partner will play a special role because of their expertise in privious projects related with EQF and ECVET.